
你是想申请工作还是实习, knowing the search strategies for college students will bring you better results. 下面的资源可以帮助你更好地找工作.

组织提供机会帮助你探索职业道路, 培养你的专业技能, gain discipline-specific experience 和 launch your career upon graduation. 以下的经历可以包含在你的大学履历中.


如果你在你感兴趣的学术领域做志愿者, you can gain skills 和 experience that demonstrate how you fit in your future career. 了解联合国提供的志愿者机会 参与、服务和公益中心

校外实习期 & 工作见习

在这些经历中, 你安排时间和专业人士一起观察工作场所, 参加会议,与员工进行职业对话. 要想获得创造工作见习机会的帮助,请安排a 工作 & 就业中心的实习预约


On-campus student jobs are a great way to gain skills 和 experience in a professional setting. No experience is required to apply to many student positions on campus. 从就业中心网站了解学生在校园的工作情况 在校园里找份工作


An internship is an off-campus activity that provides real-world exposure to professional development in a business, 非营利或政府机构. 了解 实习


奖学金 are typically merit-based scholarships for advanced research of an academic subject. 了解美国大学提供的奖学金机会 国家 & 国际奖学金和研究金计划


Employers offer part-time work off campus to help students build professional skills 和 explore potential career paths. 查看加州州立大学洛杉矶握手列出的机会; 开始:握手


Federal 和 State governments provide student employment 和 internship pathways for entry into professional careers. 了解学校提供的学生工作 USA工作:学生 & 应届毕业生 CalCareers:学生就业


雇主们渴望雇佣足彩外围网站的学生和应届毕业生, 和 they provide opportunities that usually do not require prior experience. 查看加州州立大学洛杉矶握手列出的机会; 开始:握手


一些专业人士选择这样做 个体 who do specific work for clients without committing to full-time employment. 自由职业者可能是独立的承包商, 兼职的自由职业者, 多样化的员工, 临时工或 企业主或企业家. 几乎任何可以想象的职业领域都提供自由职业. 访问 开始成为一名自由职业者自由市场营销路线图:改变职业生涯的十个步骤 了解更多. 寻找寻找自由职业者的公司 自由职业者.com

Little success comes to those who send the same application to hundreds of employment postings. Yet, if you focus your efforts on a specific type of work, you can increase your success. 使用这些资源开始吧.


如果你不确定哪些工作与你的专业相关, the resources below can help you obtain information about the career possibilities.

  • 我可以用我的专业做什么? -这个网站是查看相关领域的一个很好的起点, 头衔, work places 和 professional organizations related to an academic major.

  • 坦率的职业视频 — 搜索 by a major to view interviews from working professionals who majored in that discipline. 你也可以根据你感兴趣的行业进行搜索. An industry describes the activity of the company 和 includes people with different occupations who work for the same type of business.

  • 加州州立大学洛杉矶握手 -当你注册这个免费的大学生求职网站时, 你可以根据专业搜索当前的职位空缺. 你也可以按行业搜索职位空缺, which is the type of business activity a company or organization performs.

政府职位分类 & 自由

你可以通过各种各样的兴趣来了解雇主. 利用这些资源来帮助你的研究.




找工作的过程是充满挑战和累人的. When you are feeling tired or down about your search you may be more vulnerable to job scams. We are available to help you review an opportunity before you click on the links or hit the apply button. 利用这个资源来提高你对诈骗机会的意识. 欲知详情,请浏览 联邦贸易委员会的工作诈骗消费者建议

People who are working in organizations or positions that interest you are often willing to support students 和 recent graduates. They provide valuable advice about how to prepare 和 succeed in the employment search. Building a relationship with professionals working in areas that interest you is called networking. 我们可以帮助您轻松发展您的职业网络. 使用这些资源开始吧.




Start with your introduction or elevator pitch 和 exp和 your discussion with a career conversation. 





  • 加州州立大学洛杉矶握手 — H和shake is a online career community for college students. 你可以探索职业选择, find jobs/internships 和 connect with employers hiring 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students; 开始:握手

  • LinkedIn 职业中心 Group — Group memberships on LinkedIn provide a place for professionals with similar interests to share their insights 和 experiences, 寻求指导,建立专业关系; 加入职业中心领英群

  • 校友 Mentoring Program — The 加州大学洛杉矶分校 校友 Association provides one-time 和 traditional mentoring for students 和 recent graduates; 加入校友辅导计划


If you meet someone in person or would like to invite a virtual contact to an in-person meeting, 有时一封电子邮件是合适的. Use these tips to convey your professionalism, when you reach out to professionals by email.

我们的工作是使与雇主的联系更容易和有效. 以下是雇主招聘大学生的一些方法.


访问 an employer outreach table outside of the 职业中心 to learn about part-time 和 internship openings.


Attend these employer presentations for career exploration 和 decision-making. 了解组织的使命, 价值观和工作文化, 有哪些职业道路可供选择,如何成功申请. 使用加州州立大学洛杉矶握手注册雇主活动; 开始:握手


申请职位并获得面试机会. 面试通常在校园进行. 使用加州州立大学洛杉矶握手注册雇主活动; 开始:握手


Attend our campus-wide career fairs offered twice a year, typically in September 和 March. 使用加州州立大学洛杉矶握手注册雇主活动; 开始:握手



我们使用H和shake将您与工作、实习和雇主联系起来. H和shake是一个面向大学生的免费求职网站. You can find current openings shared by employers who are interested in hiring 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students.



我们提供了一个免费的应用程序跟踪工具,叫做Huntr. 这个工具可以帮助你组织你的就业搜索.

登录:Job 应用程序跟踪

添加任务到亨特使用Chrome浏览器和 猎人Chrome扩展. 想要获得帮助,请观看视频 介绍亨特求职追踪器 复习一下 求职者指南.


Career advisors, students 和 campus mascot Eddie smile while at a booth outside the 职业中心

Experiential learning coordinators are available by individual appointment. We can answer your questions about searching for jobs 和 help you connect with opportunities. 预约职业咨询.

We offer workshops throughout the year to help you find employment opportunities 和 network with professionals. 在就业中心的日程表上报名参加研讨会.

Part of choosing a job includes knowing about the opportunities available for your major. Employers host events where you can meet company representative 和 learn more about what’s possible. 使用加州州立大学洛杉矶握手注册雇主活动.